Somehow, it’s 2018. I am Postman #3 and I rented a venue in Hollywood called The Stella Adler Theatre. I did this a few months ago. Time is flying. Long story short. The band has agreed to be a big part of a new play I am writing. Currently. Like all the time – every day. It’s so much “fun”. If fun = stressful. It’s a musical play. I think. At least that’s the way its headed. As it unfolds each day I learn more and more about it. Some of it I like, some of it I am afraid to show to an audience. Regardless of what the script ends up being, I can tell you the title is “Middle 8”. It’s about a group of guys in a band. REAL STRETCH for the Postmen, but you have to challenge yourself. We open Friday November 9th and run Friday and Saturday nights for 6 weeks! If you don’t know what a “Middle 8” is, look it up, it’s sorta cool. If you already know? You’re probably a musician. Back to the words… Happy 2018 T4P fans! – Stefan